According to the refined of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001 data, the total number of the actual population of region as of 5 December 2001 accounted for 1,772.4 thousand people.
The number of the urban population, according to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001, accounted for 818.9 thousand persons, or 46%, and that of the rural population - 953.5 thousand people, or 54%.
According to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001, the number of men totaled 809.6 thousand people, or 46%, that of women - 962.8 thousand people, or 54%.
The total number of the permanent population Among permanent population citizens of Ukraine totalled 1,757.1 thousand people, citizens of other countries – 4.2 thousand people, including citizens of CIS (Commonwealth Independent States) – 3.9 thousand people.
The age structure of the population, stated by the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001, is characterized by the following data: the part of children in population has decreased, while the part of the persons at the age older than able-to-work has increased, that considerably complicates present demographic situation in the region and says about ageing of the population.
The peculiarity of the national structure of the population of region is its multinational composition. According to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001, the representatives of more than 133 nationalities and ethnic groups live on the territory of the Vinnytsia region.
The language structure of region, according to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001 of the population, is various.The part of those whose mother tongue is Ukrainian totals 94.8% of the population of region, this is by 4.1 percentage points more than in 1989. The percentage of those whose mother tongue is Russian totals 4.7% of the population, during the period that have passed since previous census has decreased by 3.9 percentage points.
The results of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001 testified to the tendency to the rise of the educational standard of the population and the increase in the number of people with higher and complete secondary education. The number of people with higher and complete secondary education accounted for 945.5 thousand people, that exceeds by 18.3% the corresponding characteristic of population census ‘1989.
According to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census '2001, of married men and women accounted for 900.1 thousand persons.