Socio-Economic characteristics of population
This section contains All-Ukrainian population census data at the data of December,5 2001 about the distribution of the population by main source of livelihood, sex, age groups and educational standards, the data about the distribution of employed population by economic activities, employment status and place of work.
Unlike previous censuses, that took into consideration only one (census '1959, 1970, 1979) or two (census '1989) sources of livelihood, the All-Ukrainian population census' 2001 for the first time published several sources of livelihood without any restriction in their quantity.
During the census the registrars in answer to the question about occupation recorded profession, post or job of the respondent at the moment of the census. The term occupation means the activity that gives earnings or income, but not the qualification.
The processing of the data of the All-Ukrainian population census about professional features of the physical persons was carried out according to the “Occupation Dictionary”, that was elaborated specially for it by science institutions of the country on the base of the Ukrainian State Classification “Classification of Occupations” CO 003-95, acting since 1995, with changes, have been included during 1998-2001 (Ukrainian State Classification is based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations of 1988 (ISCO-88), that was recommended by International Conference of Labour Statistics for conversion of the national data into system that simplify international information exchange.