State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
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National structure of the population, citizenship.

    Dynamics of the national structure of the population of Ukraine.

   The section contains the data of the All-Ukrainian census of the population ‘2001 at the data of 5 December 2001 about the distribution of the population of Ukraine by nationality and mother tongue, the distribution of the population by citizenship and age, the distribution of the foreigners and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex. There are given the same data concerning the Crimean Autonomous Republic, regions, Kyiv and Sevastopol'.

  • The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue   Header
  • The distribution of the population by citizenship and age   Header
  • The distribution of the population most numerous nationalities by sex and age   Header
  • The distribution of the citizens of other countries and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex   Header
  • The distribution of the persons of ethnographic groups by mother tongue   Header
  • The distribution of the population by nationality and language except mother tongue   Header
  • The distribution of the population by citizenship and age
      Total including
    under 7 7 to 14 15 to 17 18 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 and older

       Permanent population – the number of people living permanently on the territory of a definite settlement, irrespective of their presence at the moment of the registration.
       Urban and rural population. The urban population includes people living in towns and cities, the rural population – those living in the country.
       Nationality was registered according to the respondents’ word without written confirmation, the nationality of juveniles was defined by their parents. When it was difficult to define the nationality of a child, because the parents were of different nationalities, the preference was given to the nationality of the mother.

    укр рус eng

       In the chapter:

     General results of the census
     Dynamics of the population of Ukraine
     Administrative-territorial division
     The number and territorial distribution of the population
     Educational attainment
     Socio-economic characteristics of population
     Nationality and citizenship
     The number and structure of the households
     Housing condition

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    © 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine