State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
 / Main page / Results / General results of the census / Urban and rural population / Kherson region

About number and composition population of KHERSON REGION
by data All-Ukrainian census of the population 2001

    The number of the urban population, according to the All-Ukrainian population census data, accounted for 706.2 thousand persons or 60.1%,and that of the rural population - 468.9 thousand people or 39.9%. Since 1989 urban population has decreased by 52.5 thousand people and rural by – 12.4 thousand people, but they still are in the same ratio.
   Urban and rural population of Kherson region is characterized by the following data:

  Actual population.
thousand people
As % of
total population
The same indices
of 1989
urban rural urban rural urban rural

City council:


Kherson (city council:)

355.5 11.7 97 3 97 3

including Kherson city

328.4 - 100 - 100 -

Nova Kakhovka (city council:)

68.3 6.3 92 8 92 8

including Nova Kakhovka city

52.1 - 100 - 100 -

Kakhovka city

38.2 - 100 - 100 -



Beryslav district

19.3 36.6 35 65 36 64

Bilozerka district

9.7 58.7 14 86 14 86

Velyka Lepetykha district

9.9 10.8 48 52 49 51

Velyka Oleksandrivka district

11.2 20.0 36 64 37 63

Верхньорогачицький district

6.8 7.5 48 52 47 53

Vysokopillia district

7.0 10.9 39 61 39 61

Heniches'k district

35.9 30.4 54 46 55 45

Hola Prystan' district

16.0 48.8 25 75 26 74

Hornostaivka district

7.0 14.9 32 68 29 71

Ivanivka district

5.2 12.7 29 71 28 72

Kalanchak district

13.2 12.6 51 49 51 49

Kakhovka district

- 40.1 - 100 - 100

Nyzhni Sirohozy district

6.0 13.7 31 69 31 69

Novovorontsovka district

7.1 17.5 29 71 28 72

Novotroits'ke district

16.8 26.2 39 61 39 61

Skadovs'k district

22.9 27.2 46 54 48 52

Tsiurupyns'k district

36.1 36.2 50 50 53 47

Chaplynka district

14.1 26.1 35 65 37 63

   The part of urban population has increased in 4 districts of region, decreased – in 8 regions, stayed constant in the rest 8. Especially high level of this index was in Kherson city council and Nova Kakhovka, in 14 districts (less than 50%).

укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 Total number of actual population
 Urban and rural population
 Gender structure of the population
 Number of cities
 Permanent population
 Age composition of population
 National composition of population
 Linguistic composition of the population
 Educational standard of the population
 Marital status of the population

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© 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine