State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
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 / Main page / Results / General results of the census / Total number of actual population / L'viv region

About number and composition population of L'VIV REGION
by data All-Ukrainian Population Census 2001

    The total number of the actual population of L'viv region, according to the data of the All-Ukrainian census of the population ‘2001, accounted for 2626.5 thousand persons, or 5.4% of total population. L'viv region ranked 4th in the Ukraine by population after Donets'k region (4841.1 thousand persons), Dnipropetrovs'k region (3567.6 thousand persons) and Kharkiv region (2914.2 thousand persons).

   Population density of region was 120 persons per sq. km. , according to the data of the All-Ukrainian census of the population ‘2001 (in Ukraine – 80 persons per sq. km).

    Changes in actual population, have taken place since 1989, are shown in the table:
  Actual population
thousand persons
2001 as
% of 1989
2001 1989


Brody 63.5 67.8 93.7
Bus'k 50.8 53.1 95.7
Horodok 74.2 79.8 93.1
Drohobych 76.3 78.2 97.5
Zhydachiv 80.5 86.4 93.1
Zhovkva 108.9 111.2 97.9
Zolochiv 74.5 79.1 94.3
Kam'yanka-Buz'ka 61.9 60.7 102.0
Mykolaiv 94.5 93.9 100.6
Mostys'ka 61.9 64.3 96.2
Peremyshliany 47.7 55.2 86.4
Pustomyty 111.9 111.5 100.3
Radekhiv 52.4 54.2 96.8
Sambir 74.6 76.5 97.4
Skole 50.2 51.5 97.5
Sokal' 98.1 99.3 98.8
Staryi Sambir 82.2 87.1 94.4
Stryi 69.8 73.6 94.9
Turka 54.8 57.7 94.9
Yavoriv 123.5 121.4 101.8


L'viv 758.5 816.2 92.9
Boryslav 40.4 43.7 92.6
Drohobych 100.0 99.8 100.2
Sambir 36.6 37.4 97.7
Stryi 62.5 66.5 93.9
Truskavets' 31.0 32.8 94.6
Chervonohrad 85.3 88.8 96.1
Total of region 2626.5 2747.7 95.6

   The population has decreased in the most districts and towns with regional status, excluding Kam'yanka-Buz'ka district, Mykolaiv district, Pustomyty district, Yavoriv district and town of Drohobych.

укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 Total number of actual population
 Urban and rural population
 Gender structure of the population
 Number of cities
 Permanent population
 Age composition of population
 National composition of population
 Linguistic composition of the population
 Educational standard of the population
 Marital status of the population

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© 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine