State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
 / Main page / Results / Nationality and citizenship / The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue / Selection
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Permanent population
The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
Total population
Both sexes
Nationality Total including those who
indicate their native language
language their
Ukrainian Rusianian Other
Mordvinians9331 1473 646 7168 26
Nanais 42 4 3 33 2
the nations of India and Pakistan 1483 1092 26 192 150
Nganasans 44 3 - 26 11
Negidals52 31 - 11 9
Nants217 6 32 175 2
Nivkhs 584 4 76 352 148
Germans 33302 4056 7360 21549 100
Nogays385 227 12 130 5
Orocks 959 12 179 710 3
Orochis 288 5 52 174 55
Ossets 4834 1150 401 3110 151
Persians419 251 16 110 39
Poles144130 18660 102268 22495 130
Russians8334141 7993832 328152 x 5517
Romanians 150989 138522 9367 2297 170
Ruthulians137 36 12 80 9
Lapps 136 3 20 95 16
Selkups 62 1 6 49 6
Serbians623 219 104 218 68
Slovaks6397 2633 2665 335 91
Tabasarans 977 482 114 356 22
Tadjiks4255 1521 488 1983 178
Talishes 133 28 19 78 8
Tatars 73304 25770 3310 43060 320
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укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by citizenship and age
 The distribution of the population most numerous nationalities by sex and age
 The distribution of the citizens of other countries and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex
 The distribution of the persons of ethnographic groups by mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by nationality and language except mother tongue

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