State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
 / Main page / Results / Nationality and citizenship / The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue / Selection
Page 3  из  6
Permanent population
The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
Total population
Both sexes
Nationality Total including those who
indicate their native language
language their
Ukrainian Rusianian Other
Canadians51 21 9 15 5
Karaites1196 72 160 931 9
Kara-Kalpaks117 40 12 50 12
Karachais190 35 22 113 20
Karelians1522 96 145 1244 35
Kets37 2 7 22 4
Kirghizs1128 208 221 617 32
Chineses2213 1817 73 307 15
Komis 1545 330 127 1046 42
Komi permians1165 160 79 898 25
Koreans12711 2223 700 9662 96
Koryaks69 5 5 55 4
Crimean Tatars248193 228373 184 15208 4199
Crimchaki406 68 41 263 28
Cubans262 139 30 87 3
Kumyks718 244 111 350 13
Kurds2088 1173 236 396 278
Laks1019 199 271 514 10
Latvians5079 957 872 3188 18
Lezghians4349 1507 330 2341 148
Lithuanians7207 1932 1029 4182 50
Livs235 46 23 43 113
Mansis43 5 9 26 3
Maris 4130 1059 264 2758 19
Moldavians258619 181124 27775 45607 1242
Pages: 1    2    3    4    5    6    

укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by citizenship and age
 The distribution of the population most numerous nationalities by sex and age
 The distribution of the citizens of other countries and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex
 The distribution of the persons of ethnographic groups by mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by nationality and language except mother tongue

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© 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine