State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
 / Main page / Results / Nationality and citizenship / The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue / Selection
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Permanent population
The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
Total population
Both sexes
Nationality Total including those who
indicate their native language
language their
Ukrainian Rusianian Other
Tats 64 9 - 46 3
Tofalars18 - 5 11 2
Tuvinian 43 4 2 24 13
Turks 8844 7923 133 567 109
Turks meskhetians 336 272 2 35 6
Turkmens 3709 719 1079 1392 88
Hungarians156566 149431 5367 1513 159
Udygeis42 8 6 19 7
Udins592 342 9 188 43
Udmurts 4712 729 380 3515 36
Uzbeks 12353 3604 1818 5996 322
Uigurs197 23 18 127 21
Ulchis 76 5 8 43 4
Finns768 73 89 558 39
Frenchs258 105 52 93 5
Khakases 162 17 21 120 3
Khalhas104 56 2 40 6
Khanties 100 6 29 55 9
Croatians 126 23 27 38 10
Cakhuries 83 16 16 31 16
Gypsies 47587 21266 10039 6378 203
Circassians 199 25 20 136 17
Czechs5917 1190 2503 2144 24
Chechens 2877 1581 212 977 54
Chileans 13 2 5 4 2
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укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by citizenship and age
 The distribution of the population most numerous nationalities by sex and age
 The distribution of the citizens of other countries and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex
 The distribution of the persons of ethnographic groups by mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by nationality and language except mother tongue

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