State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
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 / Main page / Results / General results of the census / Educational standard of the population / Ternopil' region

About number and composition population of TERNOPIL' REGION
by data All-Ukrainian census of the population 2001

   The All-Ukrainian Population Census results testified to the tendency to the rise of the educational standard of the population and the increase in the number of people with higher and complete secondary education:

  The number of persons with:
higher education secondary education
Total including those
with complete higher education
Total including those
complete secondary education
Permanent population aged 10 and over     thousand person
1989 12049.1 4194.4 28998.5 12550.6
2001 13686.3 5656.7 28475.4 15245.7
2001 as % to 1989 113.6 134.9 98.2 121.5
Per 1000 persons of permanent population at the age of 10 and older:
Total population
1989 274 95 660 285
2001 313 129 651 349
2001 as % to 1989 114.2 135.8 98.6 122.5
Urbam population
1989 345 127 613 297
2001 379 166 598 348
2001 as % to 1989 109.9 130.7 97.6 117.2
Rural popuation
1989 133 32 752 263
2001 177 54 764 350
2001 as % to 1989 133.1 168.8 101.6 133.1

   The number of people with higher and complete secondary education accounted for 28.9 million people , that exceeds by 17.6% the corresponding characteristic of the population census ‘1989.

   The rise of the educational standard of the population is typical of both urban and rural population. The number of persons with complete higher education per 1000 persons of the population in specified age since 1989 has increased by 30.7% in towns and by 68.8% in the villages. The same tendency is typical of persons with complete secondary education, their number has increased by 17.2% in towns and by 33.1% in the villages.

укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 Total number of actual population
 Urban and rural population
 Gender structure of the population
 Number of cities
 Permanent population
 Age composition of population
 National composition of population
 Linguistic composition of the population
 Educational standard of the population
 Marital status of the population


© 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine