/ Main page / Results / General results of the census / Age composition of population / Odesa region
About number and composition population of ODESA REGION by data All-Ukrainian population census’ 2001
The age structure of the population, stated by the All-Ukrainian population census ‘2001, is characterized by the following data:
Age |
Permanent population thousand persons |
% of the level of |
2001 |
1989 |
0-9 |
235.5 |
9.6 |
14.5 |
10-19 |
378.9 |
15.4 |
14.1 |
20-29 |
364.8 |
14.9 |
14.8 |
30-39 |
344.2 |
14.0 |
15.4 |
40-49 |
367.0 |
14.9 |
12.2 |
50-59 |
281.5 |
11.5 |
12.4 |
60-69 |
273.1 |
11.1 |
9.6 |
70-79 |
162.9 |
6.6 |
5.2 |
80 і старші |
47.8 |
2.0 |
1.8 |
The part of children in population has decreased, while the part of the persons at the age older than able-to-work has increased, that considerably complicates present demographic situation in the region and says about ageing of the population.:
Age |
Permanent of population
thousand persons |
As % to the total |
2001 |
1989 |
Younger than able-to-work age
452.1 |
18.4 |
22.9 |
Able-to-work age
1455.9 |
59.3 |
57.4 |
Older than able-to-work age
547.7 |
22.3 |
19.7 |