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The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 28 September 1998 ¹1536 “On Conducting the All-Ukrainian Population Census in the Crimean Autonomous Republic, regions, districts and towns to conduct the preparation, execution, processing, generalization and publication of the result of the All-Ukrainian population census in 2001.
The central and local bodies of the executive power and the bodies of local government were charged to provide the organization and the material- technical maintenance of the All-Ukrainian population census.
- till 1.04.2000 – more precise definition of town boundaries; the arrangement of the names of streets, the numeration of blocks, houses and flats;
- till 1.10.2000 – the production of the cartographic material;
- till 15.12.2000 – the compilation of the block lists of residential houses in towns and big village, the compilation of the lists of village;
- September 2001 – the working out and confirmation of the organization plans of the execution of the All-Ukrainian population census' 2001;
- till 30.11.2001 – the selection and training of the census staff;
- 30.11-4.12.2001 – the preliminary round of the residential houses, the pre-census check-up and more accurate definition of block lists of houses in towns, of village, of cartographic material and organization plans of the execution of the census of the population;
- 05-14.12.2001 – the questioning and filling in of the lists of the residents of the households and the census papers;
- 16-20.12.2001 – the control measures;
- 20.12.2001-1.02.2002 – the reception of the census materials;
- February-August 2002 – the examination of the completeness and quality of the census materials, the completing according to the settlements, coding and transmission to the automatic processing ;
- 2002-2003 – the processing and distribution of the results of the All-Ukrainian population census’ 2001
The preliminary round of the residential houses (30.11.01-4.12.01)
The preliminary round of the residential houses took place five days earlier the fixed date of the census of the population. During the time the registrars:
- acquainted with their registration district;
- checked the authenticity of the information given in the registration book about the houses where the people could live and made necessary alteration;
- visited all the residential houses of their district define the number of the residents and the most appropriate time for the questioning of the household members ;
The questioning of the population (5.12.01-14.12.01)
- The population census was carried out by specially trained registrars by means of the questioning of the population and registering the information provided by the respondent without its written confirmation.
- To the census were subject all citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and persons without the citizenship who were present on the territory of Ukraine on the date of the census of the population, and also the citizens of Ukraine who were abroad on the date of the census.
- The census papers were filled in by the registrars in the succession of the round of all the houses where the population live d or could live, including the buildings occupied by enterprises, organizations and offices.
- The population was registered according to the place of actual residence, even temporary, but not by the working place.
- Entries in the census forms were made irrespective of the availability of the registration and its type (permanent or temporary) and the right for dwelling space in this or another place.
- The information about the members of the household who were subject to the population census in a definite house, but were absent during the whole period of the execution of the population census, was obtained by the registrars from the neighbours, house administration, the officials of the village council.
- In every household all the persons living in it at 0 a.m. on 5 December were registered, including temporary resident. Those of the permanent residents who were temporarily absent were also registered.
- The citizens of Ukraine who had gone abroad on business for less than a year or for a rest, treatment, on a visit to relatives and friends, or as tourists irrespective of the period of time, were registered by the place of the permanent residence without the mark about the temporary absence.
- The foreigners working as diplomatic representatives on the territory of Ukraine and the their households members were not registered.
- The foreigners who had come to Ukraine as members of scientific, trade, etc. delegations, as tourists, for studying, etc. were registered on the common grounds with the mark about the temporary residence
- The foreigners who had permanently lived in Ukraine (for a year or more or had arrived for the permanent residence) were registered on the common grounds.
- The census of the military men, prisoners and the persons in the closed areas, etc was carried out by the authorized central bodies of the executive power.
- The census of the population in the institutions with temporary population (hospitals, hotels, maternity homes, sanatoria etc.) was carried out during one day (December 5, 2001).
- The registration of the persons who had no permanent residence was conducted at the place of their first meeting with the registrars.
THE CONTROL ROUND (16.12.01-20.12.01)
- The control round was being conducted during 5 days after the census (from 16th till 20th of December 2001) : in towns - in all registration districts covering 25% of residential houses in every district, in village - in 25% of registration districts covering 100% of residential houses of each district.
- The control round enabled the estimation of the completeness of covering the population by the census.
The course of the population census was controlled by means of obtaining daily information from district (town) departments and region administrations of statistics.
In the execution of the All-Ukrainian population census were involved:
- 10972 - managers of the census department and their assistants
- 51032 - instructors – inspectors
- 185986 - registrars
In the carrying out of the registration 248666 persons of the temporary registration staff were involved up.
 (Form 1) - «Household members and housing condition» |
 «Census Form»(Individual Form); |
Content of the Census questionnaires
Form «Household members and housing condition», page 1- "Household members" contain:
- Address;
- Householder and List all members of household;
page 2- "Housing condition" contain:
- Type household;
- Number of rooms in household;
- Dwelling space;
- Ground area;
There is an individual form 2C for every of member of the household.
«Census Form» (Individual Form), page 1- "Census Form" contain:
- First name and surname;
- Relationship information;
- Sex;
- Date of birth;
- Place of birth;
- Ethnic group;
- Language;
- Citizenship;
- Marital status;
- Education;
- Types of educational institutions;
- Sources of living;
«Census Form» (Individual Form), page 2 contain:
- Name and place work (activity);
- Occupation group;
- Employment status;
- Type settlement;
- Number of children (for female);
According to the Law of Ukraine “On the All-Ukrainian Population Census”(Article 16) “The primary and other data obtained in the course of the census of the population is confidential information protected by the law. The entries in the registration papers that concern the respondent are not to be made public without his consent and are used only for statistical purposes in generalized and impersonal form.
Go to main results page
Census data is a basis for many socio-economic, political researches and demographic projections.
During a census the information was obtain more than 48 million citizens
of Ukraine and citizens of other states, those who were present at the date of the census in Ukraine. This information can be grouped in such sections:
- sex and age characteristic;
- national composition;
- linguistic characteristic;
- marital status;
- educational attainment;
- occupation;
- main sources of livelihood;
- migration;
- housing condition of the population

In the Chapter: